
Strategic Plan Implementation

Over the last twelve months APS has drafted a thoughtful and comprehensive Strategic Plan that will guide our decision making and financial priorities for the next five years. The School Committee needs members who can maintain focus on goals laid out in the plan, while having the flexibility and forethought to make changes as needed.

Improved School Experience for all Students 

The Panorama Survey, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, MCAS data, and feedback from families and students who identify as Black, Latino, LGBTQIA+, English Learners, and those who are on IEPs, show that there are students in our schools who need a better experience. This means eliminating barriers to access to sports and other extracurricular activities, increasing support and access to all areas of the curriculum, and ensuring staff and faculty have the time for professional development needed to teach all students. What is good for one student is good for all students. We can improve educational opportunities for all of our students by focusing our work on those students who most need our support.

Fair Pay for Teachers 

Arlington Public Schools teachers are paid 5% less, on average, than other districts in the Town Manager 12. In order to attract and retain a highly skilled and diverse group of educators, the School Committee must continue to advocate for increased funding and pay for our teachers. Arlington is developing a robust and thoughtful professional development program, we want to keep the teachers that we train.

21st Century Learning Environments 

The Ottoson Middle School has least recently been renovated or rebuilt. Its current structure and layout do not meet the current educational vision of the Arlington Public Schools. Elizabeth will work with the Committee and the Town to push forward on ensuring OMS is not left behind. Present a Statement of Interest to the MSBA in April 2024.

Want to learn about about what we’ve already accomplished together?